Friday, October 12, 2012

Homoeopathy and Vipassana

(Published in National Journal of Homoeopathy, August 2012)
We all know that Homoeopathy is a holistic science based on Nature’s laws of cure. It’s very nearer to nature and harmony. When I went to attend Vipassana Shibir last month, I was continuously feeling so much similarity between Homoeopathy and Vipassana that I decided to share it with my Homoeopathic friends…
Vipassana is basically a technique of meditation which helps us to reach a state of “Nirvikaar”, i.e. a state of perfect equanimity (Samta bhaav), overcoming cravings(Raag) and aversions(Dwesh)…!
Vipassana is an experiential learning…! Learn through what you yourself experience firsthand… Not through lectures, not through intellectual exercises… but learning through what one experiences by himself or herself… Experiencing the bodily sensations… One is told to concentrate and pass mind through each and every part of the body with closed eyes and steady posture and experience the sensations. When one actually experiences, he/she sees that NO TWO sensations are same and no sensations remain permanently. The sensations different people experience are different and sensations in different parts of the body of a same person are also different and unique. Eg. People may experience heat, cold, perspiration, tingling, pain, itching, irritation etc many more different types of sensations during meditation. One just needs to concentrate on these sensations. It’s not at all an issue that one sensation is good and the other sensation is bad… It’s just that one needs to be aware that they are different and whatever they are just accept them as they are…
And this is exactly “The Law of Individualization” in Homoeopathy. No two individuals are same. Each and every individual is unique in their own way, in their thinking and feelings, in their likes and dislikes, in their actions and reactions etc. and thus also in their complaints and affinity for tissues being affected, whether it’s during health or during disease state… Thus, two individuals suffering from same disease present with different sensations, modalities and different concomitants… And that is what is the uniqueness of Homoeopathy, if we understand and apply it properly, it helps us reaching simillimum.
During Vipassana, while observing these sensations, one needs to be just aware about these sensations, whatever it is… and just see them like an observer, with Drashta bhav(know thyself)… without naming them whether its good or bad(Just Observe without Prejudice)… without desiring good and rejecting bad sensations… Just be aware and be equanimous to it…
And that is exactly being “Unprejudiced Observer”(Drashta bhav)in Homoeopathy. A Homoeopath also needs to observe and understand patient with unprejudiced mind… Thus, Homoeopaths needs to be aware about his/her own concepts and values(know thyself)… to understand concepts and values of patient better… Then only a homoeopath will be able to reach simillimum in best possible way…
Vipassana is a technique of reaching a state of Nirvikaar, i.e. overcoming vikaars, negative emotions…
And that’s exactly Homoeopathic simillimum does – bringing the deviated vital force to its original state, from disease to health…
While practicing Vipassana technique, it happens that old suppressions do come on the surface in the form of pains and discomfort... but gets rid slowly and steadily from deep within to bring peace and harmony…
And that’s exactly Homoeopathic medicines do... it also brings out the past suppressions on the surface to eliminate it completely and reach the state of health…
Thus, for the followers of Homoeopathy, Vipassana is very easily palatable… and similarly for the follower of Vipassana, Homoeopathy should be the choice of system of medicine if they are aware about the similarity between the two.